Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Clutter and Elephants

Hmm...Clutter and Elephants.

What to let go of and say no to (clutter). What to say yes to (elephants).

Clutter-Saying No

Yesterday I caught a few minutes of Oprah. On the show she had a "de-clutter expert". It made me once again "take stock" in what I am saying yes to keeping in my house and what I am saying no to in my house (and in my garage as well.) It is a healthy habit to keep our surroundings clutter free and organized. It is freeing as well, to let some things go. A few things I still hold on to (but not all of my "clutter stuff") were my husbands. Over time I have given away items and have lovinging stored others. I will always keep some things of Rory's for me and my son, but over time it is healthy to keep saying yes and no to what we want to keep, what we can throw out or give to charity. (Giving to charity is always my preference.) Upon writing this blog, I have gone into my April personal priority list and have dedicated time to clear out specific closets/garage etc. Have you taken stock lately in your surroundings? If so, what do you think and how do you feel about it? What is next for you?

Yes to elephants...When I said no to my corporate job and began my own business, I said yes to driving my son to school and picking him up from school. I drive one of my neighbors sons as well. On Wednesday, the two boys (7 and 8 years old) were having a fascinating conversation about elephants. It was so cute! I say yes to these precious moments. I wouldn't trade them for the world. What are you saying yes to?

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Friday, March 21, 2008

I have a question for you...

Hello Ladies,
More at

I have the curiosity of a cat. (By the way, this is a picture of our cat, Frankie.)

Here is what I am curious about...

1. What would you like to read about on my blogs?

2. When you visit my website, what is valuable and what else would you like to see as resources?

As a coach (and as a fellow widow), my hope is to provide service to others. To provide the best I can to you.

I so appreciate your imput.



Monday, March 17, 2008

Women Doing What Matters

Yes, Women Doing What Matters! More at

What matters most to you?

On Friday, I had the fantastic opportunity to facilitate at a United Way event. This event was a Women's Initiative Educational Forum which focused on topics most important to women. My topic was "Life's Intersections & Transitions, Reinventing Yourself & Defining Success".

I had 3 different groups of women that participated throughout the morning hours. I thank each of them for their authenticity, courage and humor. We all had so much in common. There were many different transitions, intersections (IE. death of spouse, divorce, new job, finding balance, raising children, empty nester's, elder care, learning to say "NO" etc.), but we each had one common bond. Each were wanting to do/be something that "Matters". They each wanted to be in the drivers seat of their life.

There is much power in women coming together to share, support and give suggestions to one another.

We did an experiential activity around our perspectives (regarding one's particular transitions, life intersection) and created a shift or change that would most suit each person. Then, we talked ACTION. After each chose their best perspective, then it came down to "What will you do? By when?

Women Doing What Matters...What matters to you? What perspective (or way of looking at / feeling about) will serve you most to get there? What will you chose to do? By when?

Be in this life...Live your life...Women Doing What Matters...You Matter...


Friday, March 7, 2008

Tax Time

Hello All, More at

It feels as if the holiday season has just passed, and here it is already March. That means that tax season is here! Matter of fact, I meet with my tax accountant in about an hour to prepare my taxes.

Every holiday, every event (including tax time) seems to bring up memories and at the core of it, memories of my husband. We always did our taxes together. Somehow the process seemed lighter, easier when I had a partner.

On the flip side, I've learned to stand on my own two feet. Not by choice, but by necessity I've learned.

I started thinking, a few minutes could I still feel that "bit of that lightness" I used to have when Rory and I did this together? In that moment of asking that question to myself, I shifted my feeling about it and thought "I can choose to feel lighter". And, so it is.

That doesn't mean that my tax situation changed or my finances changed. It does mean, however, I can choose how I feel driving over to the appointment, during the appointment etc. I've got to go through this process, no matter what, so why not embrace it in a manner that lifts me up rather than pulls me down.

What area or areas of your life would you like to embrace a new perspective or way of looking?
Try it, you might like it.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Inspiration and Positive Beliefs Instead of Fear

Hello All, More at

Okay, I will admit it, some days are hard (very hard) and some times it is scary (really scary). This is a truth. This is a reality. It can be overwhelming, it you let it.

More importantly, I also know and I believe that I (and you) have the power to change our thoughts, to have faith, to believe in our dreams, to let go of the fear. It takes some effort to change our perspective (especially when scared or worried, or tired, or sad, or angry etc.) I write this today because I had to coach myself back to this powerful place. I asked myself if my perspective (or the way I found myself looking at things) the past couple of days was helping me or serving me . The resounding answer was "no". I asked myself, what are some other perspectives or way of looking at life/business would fire me up, serve me better.? I found the perspective of "let go, lift up". That means for me, let go of the fear and lift myself up to my potential) What would serve you the most? What would get you out of bed excited for the day? What would make you smile at the end of the day?

If you haven't seen the movie or read the book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, I recommend it! It is about the "Law of Attraction" and putting "out there" what it is we want, believing in it and taking actions that support what we want. This has been featured on Oprah, Larry King and countless others.

There is much joy and abundance out there for all! That is my story, and I am "sticking to it". What is the story you wish to stick to?


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Who Moved My Cheese

Hello All, More at

First, if you are reading these blogs, I would l-o-v-e to hear from you...

Recently, I was asked to speak at a local chamber of commerce meeting. The subject I spoke on was change. (Don't we all know about change?) Change can take so many forms...sometimes subtle, sometimes it may feel like a car crash. (it was like a car crash for me when my husband was diagnosed and eventually passed). The reality is change is all around us, and always will be.

There is a fantastic book out there. Some of you may have read it. It is called "Who Moved My Cheese" by Spencer Johnson, MD and foreward by Ken Blanchard. Anyway, it is a wonderful story about change. It involves 2 mice (Sniff and Scurry) and 2 men (Hem and Haw) and a great story about "cheese" which represents "what we want" and "what do these characters do" when their cheese is moved, their cheese is gone.

As widows, we are faced with enormous change. Consider reading this book or refreshing yourself with it. It is a great message.

We each have choice on how we will accept change.

Here are some of the book's guideposts for your personal reflection.
-Change Happens
-Anticipate Change
-Monitor Change
-Adapt to ChangeQuickly...(my caveat here is "in grief" go through the change at your pace.)
-Change (They keep moving the cheese)
-Enjoy Change (There can be many new and great adventures ahead)
-Be ready to change quickly and enjoy it agian & again (for us widows, this can mean so do you want to grow, develop, change, live?)
