Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Clutter and Elephants

Hmm...Clutter and Elephants.

What to let go of and say no to (clutter). What to say yes to (elephants).

Clutter-Saying No

Yesterday I caught a few minutes of Oprah. On the show she had a "de-clutter expert". It made me once again "take stock" in what I am saying yes to keeping in my house and what I am saying no to in my house (and in my garage as well.) It is a healthy habit to keep our surroundings clutter free and organized. It is freeing as well, to let some things go. A few things I still hold on to (but not all of my "clutter stuff") were my husbands. Over time I have given away items and have lovinging stored others. I will always keep some things of Rory's for me and my son, but over time it is healthy to keep saying yes and no to what we want to keep, what we can throw out or give to charity. (Giving to charity is always my preference.) Upon writing this blog, I have gone into my April personal priority list and have dedicated time to clear out specific closets/garage etc. Have you taken stock lately in your surroundings? If so, what do you think and how do you feel about it? What is next for you?

Yes to elephants...When I said no to my corporate job and began my own business, I said yes to driving my son to school and picking him up from school. I drive one of my neighbors sons as well. On Wednesday, the two boys (7 and 8 years old) were having a fascinating conversation about elephants. It was so cute! I say yes to these precious moments. I wouldn't trade them for the world. What are you saying yes to?

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