Friday, June 20, 2008

Women in Business and Grief

Hello All,

In today's world, the desire for many women, is the idealism of balancing career and family. The yearning to find what works and to change what doesn't work. It is about creating strategies and learning to move and adapt to constant changes both in work and at home. With corporate downsizing, acquisitions, and rising prices at the gas pump (to name just a few) many are looking for ways to work smarter, be more effective and find the precious quality time for children's soccer games, recitals etc.

Under everyday circumstances, it can be exciting and challenging for women to juggle a business or corporate career while raising children and/or participating in elder care. When the death of a spouse occurs, it can most certainly blow the "normal" challenges "out the window" and blow in new, different and many times devastating challenges at first. I say "at first" because it is true for so many. Over time, with getting help and creating new strategies for life and business every women I believe can move forward, create meaningful change, adapt and grow.

There are articles and resources on my website that can help. In addition, I offer one on one coaching where we forge a coaching relationship designed to support you as you discover your path for success in both business and in your life.



Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Widows Bond

Hello to all,

there are many widow referral resources (websites, books etc.). One of the websites is On this site, there is a link where you (as widows) can sign up to receive an email with contact information for up to three women whose current situation is very similar to yours. The hope is that you develop an empathetic companionship with one or more of these widows as you each journey through the loss of your husbands.

As I have shared on past blogs and during coaching sessions with my clients I recommend having support and help come from a variety of sources. (friends, both widowed and non-widowed, family, colleagues, church, coach etc.)

Yes, I too have "signed up" at to meet my new widow friends and look forward to sharing experiences. Even after 4 years (since my loss) and even though I am a coach, this sounds like an extraordinary opportunity. Every day is a new day to make new friendships, share, learn, grow and laugh. Every day we also have the opportunity to continue to build and rekindle old friendships. The picture at the beginning of this blog entry is one sent to me from an old friend. We were in 8th grade. Old friends and new friends...

Happy Bonding.

