Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My blog has moved to www.CoachingForWidows.com/blog. Please visit and visit often.
Colleen Phillips
Monday, April 27, 2009
Staying Grounded During Challenging Times

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Time Out &Tune In

As widows, we all share one commonality, the loss of our husbands to death, which by most standards, is one of the most traumatic events to occur in a lifetime. We also share a journey of re-discovery that includes many downs, ups, curves, bumps and vista's along the road. It is along this journey, where we all cry, learn, laugh, love and do much to figure it all out once again.
It has been almost 5 years now since Rory died, "how long has it been for you"? Along these years I've worked a great deal to re-discover myself and along the way follow my passion for coaching.
I coach business leaders and executives and enjoy it very much. It is rewarding. Also, I have a very deep passion for coaching women, especially widows. I feel such a pull or tug of my heart to support this group of amazing women who've also walked this walk. I've thought for quite some time that coaching widows was something I was meant to do. I changed my life and ended my previous long term career to do just that.
As a coach I work with my widow clients to put the pieces back together again. It is a joy to be in coaching relationships that support, acknowledge and challenge clients. Along the way, I learn more about myself and my journey.
Recently, I've been stuck. Don't we all feel stuck at one time or another. For me, I've been stuck with updating (or not updating) my http://www.coachingforwidows.com/ website. Stuck with writing (or not writing) this blog, as I've not posted since late February. Lately, I've been focusing on my corporate work and clients. AND, I've fallen in love with a brilliant, loving man and have been immersed in all that entails (this blog entry photo is from a recent event). Temporarily, and for some reason, it has made it more difficult to tap into the widow part of me, the part of me that I called upon to write these blogs etc. I have been on one of the beautiful vista's of the journey feeling so happy and fulfilled again for so many reasons. Isn't this what we all hope for and work for during the journey (to find our passions, learn, grow, laugh, love and be fulfilled)?
Hmm...So why would this happiness and fulfillment make it difficult for me to write? What was preventing me from taking action? I've been giving this a great deal of thought and introspection.
One of the coaching exercises I do with clients is the wheel of life. We look at the 8 major components of life (money, health, significant other, career, physical environment, friends/family, spirituality, personal development) We rank our level of satisfaction in each area. Until now, the significant other component has been very low personally (due to the circumstances). I've realized until now, I've been resistant to be in a true loving relationship. I've not been ready and now I am after much work on me. I've become crystal clear about what qualities and values must be present in a new relationship. The time is right.
Here is a statistic I ran across lately and it caused me to take action and dive back into my passion for supporting and coaching widows. Did you know that nearly 700,000 women lose their husbands each year and will be widows for an average of 14 years"? This is according to the the U.S. Bureau of the Census. This is a great number of women who, along with each of us, will have to learn how to put the pieces back together again.
My vision is to be a great coaching partner with women and widows during their personal journey of re-discovery.
Coach Corner:
Being ready is key. We must know and understand ourselves fully.
What are you learning from your past relationships and experiences? What support and help are you actively pursuing to re-discover you?
Remember, it doesn't matter how fast you go, as long as you are going in the right direction.
Visit http://www.coachingforwidows.com/ for coaching, support and resources.
Colleen Phillips, CPCC, ACC
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Milestones are "markers" of sort. A marriage, the birth of a child, a graduation, a promotion, a demotion or downsizing, a new business, overcoming a big fear, and yes of course illness or death of a loved one. Life is full of milestones, isn't it?
What are some milestones you've experienced? How do you hold those memories, what are you more aware of and what have they taught you?
Some milestones are HUGE! Others are rites of passage, and still a big deal and meaningful. What are some of the milestones you are experiencing now in your life? Again, what are you learning and becoming more aware of? What is important and meaningful to you? How do you choose to honor that?
Friday, February 13, 2009
Time Is On Our Side

When we first lose our husbands, we are in survival mode, getting through a day at a time or even an hour or moment at a time. That may be the best we can do, and it is okay. However, over time, we each have the opportunity to fully engage in stepping into a new and potentially rewarding life full of things such as career, financial improvement, health, loving relationships and a deeper sense of our own abilities. To become more comfortable in our own skin even now that we've been widowed.
Time is truly on our side.
Today, I came across a poem of sorts I wrote 3 years ago about my husband. It was still laden with much pain, loss and loneliness. So, now these 3 years later, time has helped and importantly I have actively participated, showed up, got help, worked with a coach, learned about how I wanted to be for the rest of my life. I hope the same for each one of you. I hope you use your time to engage in your life, to learn, to grow, to heal, to love, to rediscover yourselves.
Working with a coach can absolutely help. Actively participating in support groups can help. There are many options available to you. Find what best supports you!
Coach Question: How can you actively make the best use of your time? What awaits you that you may begin to put into motion now?
Here's to you!
www.CoachingForWidows.com Visit for more information and resources.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Believing You Can

A young man fell asleep during math class. He woke up as the bell rang, looked at the blackboard, and copied down the two problems that were there. He assumed they were the homework for the night. He went home and labored the rest of the afternoon and into the evening knowing if he didn't complete the work he would surely fail the class.
He couldn't figure out either one but he kept trying for the rest of the week. Finally, he got the answer to one and brought it to class. The teacher was absolutely stunned. The boy feared he had done too little, too late. It turned out the problem he solved was supposedly unsolvable.
Power Commanders How did he do it? He was able to do what was thought to be impossible because he believed it was possible. He not only believed it was possible, he believed that if he didn't solve it he would fail the class. Had he known the problem was unsolvable he could never have done it.
Beliefs are the commanders of our brain.When we believe something is true, we literally go into the state of its being true. Handled effectively, beliefs can be the most powerful forces for creating good in our lives.
The Birth of Excellence. Beliefs control our destiny: The belief we have in ourselves...the belief others have in us. The birth of excellence begins with the awareness that our beliefs are a choice.
Beliefs are the compass and map that guide us to our goals. Believe you can do something -OR- believe you can't and you'll be right every time.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Little Victories

Up and leaves you flat
Don't you laugh my friend, sometimes it happens just like that
First you feel the anger, then the sorrow will soon take control
And there'll be hard times for sure
Long, cold lonely nights
It might not sound like much
But it'll mean a lot you'll see
Every hour you survive will come to be
A little victory
Little victory
As you struggle through each day
Each strange new day
Feelin' lost and wounded, tryin' hard to find your way
No one there to talk it out with
Learnin' how to sleep alone
Overcomin' each new doubt
Tryin' hard just to accept it all
Everytime you keep control when you're cut off at the knees
Everytime you take a punch and still stand at ease
Little victories
Little victories
And when night falls and there's no one around
The cruelest time of all and not one sound
Listenin' to the wind blow
Listenin' to the tickin' of the clock
Tryin' hard to forget
Tryin' hard to just accept it all
As you step out in the night, take a lesson from the trees
Watch the way they learn to bend with each breeze
Little victories
Everytime you make it through
It's another little victory
Day by day, minute by minute
Little victories