Time Is On Our Side.
I am thinking about all the many thoughts, sayings and songs on "time"out there...For example, there is an old Rolling Stones song entitled, "Time Is On Our Side". Also, I am certain each one of us have heard many references such as, "time heals wounds". As a widow, we've probably been inundated with well meaning friends and family members touting how time will help. They may says things such as "over time things will get better, over time we'll figure things out, how over time we may love again, how over time we'll learn to become a good single parent, how over time we'll become more productive at work, how over time we will actually become unstuck, regain focus and build a new life that actually works and works well."
The magic key to all of this is, how do we use our time? What do we learn? What do we change? What remains? What is important now? This is a learning process, a journey. We must be active participants in our usage of "time".
People say things such as "I don't have enough time, it takes too much time, if only I had more time". What are they really saying here? What do you think?
Well, we all have the same 24 hours in each day. It is what we choose to do with it. How we choose to spend our time, how we choose to grow and develop, how we choose to be actively engaged in the grieving process so we may move through it. Time alone helps, but we must show up and be active participants.
When we first lose our husbands, we are in survival mode, getting through a day at a time or even an hour or moment at a time. That may be the best we can do, and it is okay. However, over time, we each have the opportunity to fully engage in stepping into a new and potentially rewarding life full of things such as career, financial improvement, health, loving relationships and a deeper sense of our own abilities. To become more comfortable in our own skin even now that we've been widowed.
Time is truly on our side.
Today, I came across a poem of sorts I wrote 3 years ago about my husband. It was still laden with much pain, loss and loneliness. So, now these 3 years later, time has helped and importantly I have actively participated, showed up, got help, worked with a coach, learned about how I wanted to be for the rest of my life. I hope the same for each one of you. I hope you use your time to engage in your life, to learn, to grow, to heal, to love, to rediscover yourselves.
Working with a coach can absolutely help. Actively participating in support groups can help. There are many options available to you. Find what best supports you!
Coach Question: How can you actively make the best use of your time? What awaits you that you may begin to put into motion now?
Here's to you!
www.CoachingForWidows.com Visit for more information and resources.
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