Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Inspiration and Positive Beliefs Instead of Fear

Hello All, More at

Okay, I will admit it, some days are hard (very hard) and some times it is scary (really scary). This is a truth. This is a reality. It can be overwhelming, it you let it.

More importantly, I also know and I believe that I (and you) have the power to change our thoughts, to have faith, to believe in our dreams, to let go of the fear. It takes some effort to change our perspective (especially when scared or worried, or tired, or sad, or angry etc.) I write this today because I had to coach myself back to this powerful place. I asked myself if my perspective (or the way I found myself looking at things) the past couple of days was helping me or serving me . The resounding answer was "no". I asked myself, what are some other perspectives or way of looking at life/business would fire me up, serve me better.? I found the perspective of "let go, lift up". That means for me, let go of the fear and lift myself up to my potential) What would serve you the most? What would get you out of bed excited for the day? What would make you smile at the end of the day?

If you haven't seen the movie or read the book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, I recommend it! It is about the "Law of Attraction" and putting "out there" what it is we want, believing in it and taking actions that support what we want. This has been featured on Oprah, Larry King and countless others.

There is much joy and abundance out there for all! That is my story, and I am "sticking to it". What is the story you wish to stick to?


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