Monday, March 17, 2008

Women Doing What Matters

Yes, Women Doing What Matters! More at

What matters most to you?

On Friday, I had the fantastic opportunity to facilitate at a United Way event. This event was a Women's Initiative Educational Forum which focused on topics most important to women. My topic was "Life's Intersections & Transitions, Reinventing Yourself & Defining Success".

I had 3 different groups of women that participated throughout the morning hours. I thank each of them for their authenticity, courage and humor. We all had so much in common. There were many different transitions, intersections (IE. death of spouse, divorce, new job, finding balance, raising children, empty nester's, elder care, learning to say "NO" etc.), but we each had one common bond. Each were wanting to do/be something that "Matters". They each wanted to be in the drivers seat of their life.

There is much power in women coming together to share, support and give suggestions to one another.

We did an experiential activity around our perspectives (regarding one's particular transitions, life intersection) and created a shift or change that would most suit each person. Then, we talked ACTION. After each chose their best perspective, then it came down to "What will you do? By when?

Women Doing What Matters...What matters to you? What perspective (or way of looking at / feeling about) will serve you most to get there? What will you chose to do? By when?

Be in this life...Live your life...Women Doing What Matters...You Matter...


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