Monday, May 12, 2008

Tigger and Things

Hello to All,

You will see and read on my website's Home page at, "A Journey of Self Discovery". I would like to stress and spend some time on the notion and term of "Journey".
From the Dictionary:
1. a traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time
2. a passage or progress from one stage to another

Why is Colleen digging into this term "journey" you may be asking yourself? How does this impact me as the reader of this blog?

Well, I want to put this concept out there to all of you. The concept is, I want for you to know that moving through grief, moving on in life, growing, evolving etc. all of it is a journey. Within this journey there are ups and downs. Now, I am certain you may be thinking, well I know that and you may be thinking that you have had your personal ups and downs as well. What is interesting is how little things or particular dates on the calendar can really trigger deep emotions unexpectedly. Everything can be going smoothly and then, bam...something, someone, some date on the calendar triggers you and you are back in another place and another time. Know that this is okay and natural. Be kind to yourself and give yourself some room and space to feel and be with all of the emotions that come from the "trigger". It is a journey filled with hills, valleys, sunsets and sunrises. Look in the mirror and know that you are growing from your experiences and learning about yourself in the process.

Today I am continuing on my "de-cluttering" process. I cleaned out an old purse and in it was my husbands most favorite pen. It is a black montblanc style pen with Tigger on it. My husband Rory loved Tigger. (Tigger is usually very happy and husband was very Tigger like in life as well.) I also came upon the last Valentine's gift he gave me before he passed. It was a stuffed bear from "Build a Bear" in the Sir Lancelot style and it says outloud "I Love You" when you press a button. These 2 things triggered me, I will confess. I continue to look inward and reflect on all my emotions, even the ones that do not feel so good. It is all about the Journey of Self Discovery.

What are your "Tigger and Things" in your life and what is your Journey to Self Discovery teaching you? What is important to you now?


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