A Warm Hello,
Here in the U.S. and abroad many of the headlines are disturbing to say the least. With stocks plunging, fingers pointing and a financial crisis unfolding it is a challenging time. Yes, yes and yes. Many I speak with and meet with are concerned, some are scared. As a widow, you may have additional concerns and fears.
Here is what I want to say. Don't Panic. Focus on "Can Do". In today's fast paced world and overload of information it is easier than ever to become inundated. There is a huge difference between being informed and inundated. It is critical to be informed, and it is my belief that if we become inundated and focus on what we cannot control or influence we become paralyzed and overwhelmed.
I have a friend who is so inundated, he counts up the number of foreclosures in the paper, and after that if he doesn't feel scared or bad enough he gets a different paper and counts the number of foreclosures again.
So, here is what I suggest. Put everything in 3 buckets.
Bucket #1: What can you control?
Bucket #2: What can you influence?
Bucket #3: What is outside of your control?
Focus, make sound decisions and take action on buckets #1 and #2. Have a low level focus on bucket #3 to stay informed, but not inundated.
I believe in times of adversity, great things are possible. We each have the opportunity to stand up and lead by example. We each are strong, resilient, hopeful and persevering.
Focus on "Can Do" and see what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised how it helps!