A warm hello,
Have you noticed lately the "usual" ads, commercials, and paid programs for fitness and weight loss. As people make their New Years Resolutions, many (widows too!) want to improve some aspect of their fitness, weight etc. which in turn can lead to greater energy, health and confidence. Becoming more fit and becoming healthier is a terrific idea. However, what will make it really happen is being committed to specific goals and plans and being consistent. My trainer always stresses the importance of consistency and will often state how being consistent is smarter and more effective than going gang busters and then slacking off etc. Also, my trainer always teaches that we (our bodies) are our greatest tool and other aids or just that, aids. Case in point and a pretty funny story. A friend of mine has a closet full of exercise aids, (ab roller, thigh master, stepper, balls, bands, weights, tapes etc.) One day (on an "infomercial") she bought another exercise program (aid) because she thought "it would change her life". When it arrived on her door, it looked familiar. Guess what, she already had it in her closet. So, the exercise program or aid cannot change a life, but each person can if they are committed, have specific goals and a plan and stay consistent.
Recently a local magazine published these questions I wrote to support 3 new moms I'll be coaching in a Mom Body Challenge Contest. I share them here to help get you started as well if you are interested in greater fitness=greater energy in '09.
1. What is important to you about becoming healthier and fit? How will this positively impact your life?
2. What are the goals that you want to achieve? Set specific goals and make a realistic plan.
3. What environment will support you best? Hows can you create a physical and social environment that supports your goals?
4. It is all about making this a priority. How can you balance your life so you'll have time to exercise and eat well?
5. What triggers or sabotages you? Learn how to pause and gain the power to respond rather than react to triggers or cravings.
6. Let go of excuses and start thinking positively about the weight loss and fitness process.
Here's to you!
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