Above is a picture of my 7 year old Ryan. This was taken soon after he lost his front tooth. He was "oh so proud"!
The title of today's blog is "What is it all for?". I'm taking a few moments this Sunday to take stock in what has significantly changed since I left my secure but time intensive corporate career and I started my own business. There is much that has changed, and some things I miss such as my colleagues and my healthy paycheck.
The biggest change is for the past two years I have been able to take my son to school, be home for him when he gets home, and be available to take him to all his soccer practices and games. We have been able to develop a consistency he very much needed. My son is extremely energetic and is challenged at school to focus and exhibit self control. Each year he improves and we just received his first quarter report card with all A's and one B. His behavior continues to improve (he just likes to talk--gee I wonder where he gets that...). Bottom line, what was most important to me was to create a life that supported my son not just financially but in all the other ways that are so important. In my life, this is what it is all for.
What is it all for, for you? Are you on the right road and following both your head and your heart? This week, give this some thought. I remember, early on after Rory died, I didn't know, I was sad, scared, unfocused and stuck. If you are early on in your journey after losing your husband, know those feelings diminish eventually and you will be back in the drivers seat.
Here's to you.