Can Do,
Yesterday, I wrote about "Don't Panic", Focus on "Can Do".
Today, let's take that a step further and look at what you "CAN DO" in one major area of your life, health. Recently, I participated in a seminar, specifically for widows. It was not about the grief process of the journey, but rather the moving forward part of the journey. Which as you know is where I typically focus my energy and my coaching. A main topic (among others) was the importance of becoming healthier, fear of disease, getting older and just not feeling so energetic or attractive. It has often been said, "having your health is the most important thing".
So, let's get started. What is CAN DO for you?
First, take inventory and assess your personal health and fitness situation. How are you sleeping? Have you attended to timely doctor/dentists appointments? What is your fitness level? What exercise might you enjoy and in what setting? How is your diet?
Second, what one or two things can you do to improve your health, well being and energy level? By doing these one or two things, what will it mean to you and your life?
Here's to your health. You "CAN DO"
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