A warm hello,
One important thing for me personally and professionally is to inspire others, support and encourage others to "fly". To help others release negative beliefs, find affirming positive beliefs and take action to move forward. I am always looking for ways to do just this (coaching, conducting seminars/workshops, even writing this blog and striving to find rich content for the website.)
Today I am sharing a very personal, meaningful and powerful poem. I hope in some small way you get something from it. It is entitled "Fly" and was written for me by some work colleagues right after my husband passed. It is as powerful today as it was almost 4 1/2 years ago. The message is to FLY and it is my hope that each of us learn to fly and live a full life.
To Colleen my beloved wife, my soul mate and my joy, you must know that I will always love you and Ryan my Baby boy.
Don't cry a river of tears for me, I don't want you to cry a sea, Pick up that love child that we made and love him a lot for me.
Show Ryan that you don't have to be sad, tell him this from me his Dad, tell him to go out and run, laugh, play and have fun.
I'll be watching over you, and I will be expecting that familiar smile shape your face real soon, you can start now, don't wait until noon.
Each morning when you rise, I'll watch you get up as you wipe away the sleep from your and our baby's eyes.
Each night while you are asleep in your beds, I will blow down a kiss that will fall gently upon your heads.
When all of those precious memories start to fill your head, I want you to remember this one thing I have said.
The love we shared will never pass us by, so for you and for my son hold your heads up high, don't torture you self with questions of why, live your lives to the fullest be free...I want you to Fly.
From Region #46 LensCrafters
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