Today we will continue with the mindset, "Don't Panic, Focus on "Can Do",
We will explore "Your Personal Development" another important part of lives and careers.
Personal Development is all about personal growth. It can build our competence (skills) and build our commitment (motivation and confidence). For us widows, building a new normal, may require or suggest we point some of our attention to our personal development.
After my husband passed, and finding myself a single mom to a 3 year old, I continued to work long hours at my corporate leadership career of 19 years, but often found myself depleted. (Too much required of me, not enough personal time for my son or for my self-care.) In order to make a career change, start my own business, do what I love and have autonomy, I needed to invest in my personal / professional development. I went back to school and achieved my professional coach credentials. Now, it seems everyday there is some aspect of personal development occurring. For example, learning about building websites, branding, blogging, SEO, Social Networking, fixing a door, making DIY (do it yourself) home improvements to name just a few. With each thing I accomplish it really helps build my skills and my motivation and confidence. I will use blogging as a very specific example. Last year an executive coach colleague suggested I start a blog. My response, was "A what?" Now, I am beginning to get the hang of it and was thrilled to have WE magazine for women include this blog in their 101 women bloggers to watch 2008. http://wemagazineforwomen.com/101-women-bloggers-to-watch-fall-2008/. Imagine that! I continuously remind myself of what I Can Do, what I can influence and have a low focus (stay informed, not inundated) on what I can't control.
What personal development would make a positive difference in your life or career? It could be as simple as taking a class at Home Depot and learning to do something around the house. Learning a new language. Improving your understanding of financing and investments. It could be as big as getting that advanced degree.
What personal development would make a positive difference in your life or career? How would you feel when you accomplish it?
Learn something new everyday. You Can Do.
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