With Thanksgiving just a few days away, I want to take a few moments and provide a few links that may benefit by providing additional support during this holiday season. If you are a newer widow these may help.
As I get ready for Thanksgiving I am thinking about all I have to be grateful and thankful for. Although each of us as widows have lost greatly, there are so many people and things to be thankful for. For me, it helps to pay attention to what I have versus focusing on what I have lost. My late husband will always be with me in my heart no matter what.
My thanks and gratitude top ten:
1. My son and his health
2. My health, energy and continuing to improve personal fitness level
3. My family (who have stood by me in good and difficult times)
4. My friends (who continuously provide me with love and laughter) Some of which are in the picture above at a recent Bus/Vikings football game.
5. My clients (who I value and learn from every day)
6. The companies I have been fortunate to work with. (The Ken Blanchard Companies, LensCrafters/Luxottica Retail)
7. The opportunity to write for a local magazine and work one on one with my trainer.
8. Where I live (beautiful Florida)
9. The opportunity to give back to the community and help others (when you give you get much more in return)
10. The opportunity to strike out on my own, start a business and live my dream.
Bonus: Being ready to date again and open to new relationships.
Coach Corner:
What can support you this holiday season? Take care of you and find something, some group, some friends, perhaps visit the links above, create your top 10 list etc.
Happy Thanksgiving to you.
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